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Responsible Leadership Camp 2019
August 1st-13th Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Gain a global perspective and discover the big potential in yourself in this 13 day-international youth camp where you live and learn with 12 youth and 3 facilitators. For anyone older than 18 years old, open, and motivated to learn from new people and new environment.

Organized in partnership with Nippon Foundation Gakuvo (日本財団学生ボランティアセンター) and EEC (Environment Education Center)

Programs: News

Experience New World

Hope Is Where the Heart Is

Programs: Welcome

If you ...

... want to get out of your comfort zone, are searching for a meaningful career, next step to take, new friends and connections

... want to be a social entrepreneur

... are interested in environment, plastic issue, ecobrick, education, social issues, youth empowerment

Programs: Text

Three essential values you will gain from this program


Responsible Decision Making

Expose yourself to a different lifestyle, environment, and way of thinking. That helps you imagine where you are in the ecosystem. You will learn how every small decision you make affect people and nature around you and even in the other side of the earth.

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Discover your Potential and Passion

Co-working on challenges with diverse members help you learn to get out of your comfort zone, manage your fear, and communicate yourself and others better. Face yourself, discover big potential in you. 


Role model and Community where you get inspired and you can be yourself

Learn how to start to make a difference from social entrepreneur, NGO, activist who is taking actions to address social issues. Share your thoughts, idea, and activity with us and keep motivated. Join our alumni group contains 165 people since 2013.

Programs: What We Do



I asked for 2 then this program gave me 10. I learned a lot from new friends and a new environment. By joining this program, you will know how ready you are and to prepare yourself for facing the world. There's a lot of fun and lessons that you'll never get in school.

Tasya, Public Relations student of State Islamic University of Sunan Gunung Djati


It was super hectic weeks filled with so many interesting activities. I learned how to cope with the situation and a different culture. The responsible living I learned from here all succeed applied as my daily habit. Many of my friends are more aware of trash, plastic, and others because they always see me pick up their trash. Now they all bring their own bottle and use a stainless straw.

Kinanty, Psychology Student of Al-Azhar Indonesia


What AP did wasn't teaching me to follow a certain path nor forcing one perspective. This program gave me the chance to think, showed me unlimited possibilities, opened my eyes, there is a lot of paths could be chosen as long as I seek what gives value to my journey. AP gave me the new starting line.

Kiki, Freelance photographer


I hope there are many Indonesian and Japanese to join this program. Because I believe that big thing starts from little things. So if you want to change something, you need to change yourself first.

Adriane, Branding student of Prasetya Mulya University

Programs: Testimonials

Key activity - the 1st week
Exposure to differences


Co-living with diverse members like a family

Yes, we literally live together and share everything in the house. We will have a lot of fun together every minute. Finding the difference and common things with people with different backgrounds will give you a new perspective about the world and life.


Religion workshop

Through our original workshop, participants will share history and how religion play a role in their country. We will look through how religion affects your daily life and what is religion for you because each country has uniqueness in terms of spiritual beliefs. Of course we will visit Mosque, Church and Temple.   

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Learn Javanese philosophy from a Javanese social entrepreneur

By visiting the world heritage Borobudur Temple at the dawn and reflect on the deep discussion with a charming social entrepreneur Ms.Atik you will learn philosophy of Java. We also learn how to make brown sugar in the village near Borobudur.

Programs: Events

Key activity - the 2nd week 
Learn issues and how to take action 

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Ecobrick workshop 

Do you know where the plastic goes after you leave in a trash box or recycle box? Is it recycled? Raise ecological consciousness by taking personal responsibility. Join the global movement with us! See more


Permaculture farm tour in Bhumi Langit

Permaculture is a set of principles that result in designing sustainable and productive systems. Systems for living, architecture, food production, land management, and community. Of course, we will enjoy the best nasi goreng and kombucha from the farm restaurant!


5-day Co-working experience through designing & creating an environmental workshop

After learning about the ecosystem, lifestyle, and design thinking method in EEC, Environment Education Center, you will create an original workshop to inspire children for 5 days. Being creative on social issues with international teammates, you learn a new perspective and communication skills. The experienced facilitators will guide you. We will grow together.

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5-day-homestay at people's house in the beautiful village of Yogyakarta

Feel and embrace the beauty of a simple lifestyle and warmth of family. Shop in the traditional market, cook with the host family, ride a bicycle in the neighborhood.


Reflection and sharing sessions

We prepare a lot of chances to share your background, motivation, feeling, thoughts, exciting ideas, growth and also anxieties. We learn to listen and express. The experienced facilitators will guide you. We will grow together.

Programs: Events


Get to Know Us


Yoshiko Tokuzumi



Hisano Yoshii



Looking for 
Indonesian facilitator


Programs: Team Members

About Gakuvo 日本財団学生ボランティアセンター

The organizer of the program in Japan side

Gakuvo promotes social activities among students and is founded by NIPPON FOUNDATION, the leading foundation in Japan. Gakuvo has official partnership with 15 universities in Japan such as Rikkyo uni, Waseda uni, Chiba uni, and Osaka university. ALTERNATIVE:PROJECT has been a partnership with Gakuvo since 2014.

Programs: Who We Are

About EEC, Environment Education Center

The local partner of the program

EEC is Environment Education Center in Yogyakarta and its a place for people who want to learn about organic farming, composting and how to live close with nature. It’s created and managed by Hoshizora Foundation.

Programs: Who We Are


A Bit of Background

ALTERNATIVE:PROJECT is started in 2013, seeks to encourage youths from all over the world to explore global cultures and issues through close interaction with local citizens while collaborating on short-term projects in a fun environment. We've held 13 youth camp programs called and 165 people have joined since 2013. 

We believe that the youths will gain truly ‘global perspectives’ from these projects and in turn, will return home with fresh new ideas to improve their local communities. They will also gain a sense of satisfaction from making new friends in the process. See the world, expand your mind, meet new friends and make the world a better place!

Programs: Who We Are


STEP 1 : Apply  

Click "APPLY" and send us the form. 
The first round on July 8th 
The final round on July 17th 

STEP 2: Online interview

First come first served! We will have interview to understand you better and clear your questions. After you fill the registration form, we will send you an email about online interview schedule.

 STEP 3: Make payment

Please make the payment of participation fee. If you cannot pay the full amount, you can pay a deposit IDR 1,000,000 or SGD 100.

STEP 4: Confirmation

After your application and payment is confirmed, we will inform you more details about program.

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Programs: Events


Can high school students apply?

Well, sorry no. this program is open for youth age above 18 years old until around 30 years old. The Japanese participants are all university student. Anyone is welcome to join as long as you are motivated to lean. Not neccessary to be a university student. Those who working are also very welcome too.

Whats include in the participation fee?

The participation fee includes 3 times meal(except free time), homestay, accommodation and transport, several workshops and experience during the program.

We don't provide for your

  1. Transportation to yogyakarta

  2. Borobudur entrance fee

  3. Personal expenses on free time

Can I get certificate?

Yes, sure! Since this program is international so, you will get an international certificate at the end of the program.

What is the output of this program?

You and your team are responsible to make these: 

  1. Inspiring environmental education workshops for 30 children age 10-12.

  2. A short movie and presentation about your learning 

  3. Essay about your learning (in the end) 

Programs: FAQ

©2020 by Alternative Project.

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